Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 3rd 2011

Maybe it will be easier for me to post if I do it on a daily basis. The day started with Mike going off to work on a Saturday and leaving me here with the kids. That usually does not happen and I found I missed doing our usual Saturday things together:( I went on my 8 mile run by myself which I will describe in my running blog. When I got home I had just enough time to change before we had to go to Rebecca's basketball game. It was also pictures for her so we ended up going a half hour early. We ended up being the first people to arrive and even the guy who was taking the pictures thought that was weird. He said that he never has people show up on time! The game was pretty tough this week we were supposed to be the home team on the score board, but they got it mixed up and put us as the guest team. So for most of the time I thought we were the team that was making all of the points.
 Only to find out later it was the other team. The score ended up being 20 to 2:( Winning is over rated.
 After the game was over we decided to go and have a late lunch at Quiznos. I should not have eaten there and you will find out why? at the end of this post. When we got home Mike pulled in the driveway right after us and we had a little bit of time to spare before we were supposed to go again to his Christmas work party up Ogden Canyon at the ATK conference center.
 On our way up to the party we realized we had not brought the White elephant gift. We decided to stop by Rainbow Gardens the really large gift shop up by the mouth of Ogden Canyon and find something. What we found was a Santa hat that we thought would be really fun to share. We took pictures of it because we knew it would not be for us! The party turned out to be way nice they had the food catered . I swear the fish and the meat just melted in my mouth and the Shrimp were huge. The people we sat next to turned out to be very interesting as well. while talking with them we found out that they had only been married for 10 months. They met at a Widow and Widowers party! I made the mistake of laughing when they first said it. Not understanding that they had both lost their spouses within a three year period. The mans spouse died of Colon Cancer 5 weeks after being diagnosed. and the Woman's husband died in a dirt bike accident. It's strange I always thought dirt bikes were so safe. They both had kids the same ages so now it's like they are raising two sets of twins and then some. They have seven kids total and our due to have their eighth child together. It sad that they will be moving out of the area very soon down to Salt Lake, but it was nice to chat with them while we had the chance.I also met a lady who will be getting a ladies team together for Ragnar Wasatch back and she said that I could join her team if I wanted to. I still have to talk with Mike about that since we usually run as a team.  We ended up not having time to do the gift exchange at the party, but we did have them unwrap our gift there so everyone could see the Santa hat. It turned out to be a big hit. A few people said that they were going to go the the gift shop and see if they could get one:)
 We ended up taking home a stuffed animal moose which the girls just love. It turned out to be a wonderful night and day! I am not going to count calories today I know that I have consumed way too much!!

One thing I forgot to mention was while we were gone Rebecca accidentally hit Riley in the forehead with a play microphone giving her a goose egg on the head Ouch!!

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Blog Archive

Rebecca's Baptism January 3rd 2009

Well another one of our children entered the waters of baptism. I can't believe how proud I am of her making this commitment to her Heavenly Father. She was prepared to make it thanks to the help of the Ward Missionaries the Montgomery's for coming over and giving her the discussions. I can't believe how cute she was all dressed in white and beaming from ear to ear. I gave her the primary song book and had her choose all of the songs that we would sing. She ended up choosing a lot of christmas songs ( Which I loved hearing again) due to poor planning on my part I ended up leading the music while my sister Melanie played the piano. Bishop Saunders was there presiding which I thought was very nice. We had met with him the day before at the Seminary building of the highschool to get Rebecca's interview.
The Baptism was supposed to begin at 3:30, but due to a funeral they moved it back to 4pm. Unfortunately the family ran into a traffic jam caused by a fatal accident and we did not begin the baptism until 4pm...I want to thank everyone for their patience.. Grandma Ballard gave the talk on Baptism and Grandma Lamoreaux gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. They both did a really great job! After the baptism we had a get together at our house with soup and breadsticks. Grandma and Grandpa Lamoreaux could not make it, because of having to drive in the dark.. They did give Rebecca her baptism gift before they left. She had been looking forward to it all week. After the get together that night we opened the gift which was a new set of scriptures.. What a great day it turned out to be.. Congratulations Rebecca!

Christmas 2008

Well Christmas has come and gone. A lot of fun we had with family and friends. It was nice for me not being pregnant this year to be able to do Christmas Cards to all the people that we have known over the years. And for us as a family to go out and Carol. It was great to see the surprised look on the peoples faces. The girls did complain of the cold! this year we bought the girls their own Christmas trees to hang their ornaments on, So our Big tree looked rather bare. I also took each of the kids individually to the store to get each others gifts. Then they took turns helping me wrap them. We spent Christmas EVE at Grandma and Grandpa Lamoreaux's house where we had the usual Christmas Program. Of course this year instead of reading the Littlest Snowman we had the kids act it out.. Christmas day we enjoyed the morning opening gifts. Riley was excited to get a real camera instead of the toy one she has been using for over a year now. She also got a hand held harp that she can play. Rebecca got a huge remote control car from Santa. And a race to the mall car track from Mom and Dad. Jolie got a Hello Kitty Radio from Santa, and Art supplies from Mom and Dad. Last, but not least Sam got a fish aquarium for nights and a Basketball hoop for the days..This year Michelle got a Kareoke Machine that so far has been a huge hit with the family. After opening gifts we went to Grandma and Grandpa Ballards for a brunch and enjoyed spending the day with them. Of course our favorite day was the day spent after Christmas opening the gifts and actually being able to use them.. We hope that you have all enjoyed Christmas as well..